2 4 - Kubernetes tools and alternatives
Tomislav Kopić edited this page 2024-05-25 20:19:26 +00:00


  • k9s: A terminal-based UI for managing Kubernetes clusters, allowing easy interaction with Kubernetes resources and simplifying the monitoring and management tasks.
  • jet-pilot: A CLI tool designed to streamline the deployment and management of Kubernetes applications, offering enhanced operational efficiency.
  • helm: A package manager for Kubernetes that helps in defining, installing, and upgrading complex Kubernetes applications using Helm charts.
  • kubespray: Production ready Ansible playbook to deploy a fully functioning kubernetes cluster and its basic components within minutes.


  • longhorn: A cloud-native distributed block storage system for Kubernetes, designed to provide persistent storage through lightweight and reliable volume management.
  • rook-ceph: A storage orchestrator for Kubernetes that deploys and manages Ceph clusters to provide block, file, and object storage.
  • kadalu: A Kubernetes-native storage solution based on GlusterFS, providing scalable and distributed storage.
  • minio: A high-performance, Kubernetes-native object storage solution designed to provide a scalable and secure S3-compatible storage service.
  • datashim: A project that allows mounting external MinIO/S3 buckets as directories to Pods in kubernetes


  • vellero: A tool for backup and recovery of Kubernetes cluster resources and persistent volumes, facilitating disaster recovery and data migration.
  • stash: A Kubernetes operator that automates the process of backing up and restoring Kubernetes workloads.
  • longhorn: Longhorn has a built in backup feature to backup volumes remotely to a minio or nfs servers.


  • nginx-ingress: An ingress controller that uses NGINX to manage external access to Kubernetes services, providing load balancing, SSL termination, and name-based virtual hosting.
  • kong: An ingress controller for Kubernetes based on the Kong API Gateway, enabling advanced traffic management and microservices connectivity.


  • zabbix: An enterprise-class open-source distributed monitoring solution for monitoring the health and performance of your IT infrastructure, deployable via Helm charts.
  • prometheus: A powerful open-source systems monitoring and alerting toolkit designed for reliability and scalability, easily deployable with Helm charts.