This commit is contained in:
Tomislav Kopić 2024-02-07 20:07:16 +01:00
commit 1d48439c40
2 changed files with 221 additions and 0 deletions

FlyTri.ino Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
#include "MPU6050.h"
#include <Servo.h>
#include "math.h"
#define CHANNEL_SIZE 6
#define IBUS_BUFFSIZE 32
// Define all the variables
int16_t ax, ay, az, gx, gy, gz;
int throttle, tailServoAngle, frontLeftSpeed, frontRightSpeed, backMotorSpeed;
static uint8_t ibusIndex=0;
static uint8_t ibus[IBUS_BUFFSIZE]={0};
uint16_t data[CHANNEL_SIZE];
// PID constants
float kpRoll = 0.8;
float kiRoll = 0.0;
float kdRoll = 0.0;
float kpPitch = 0.8;
float kiPitch = 0.0;
float kdPitch = 0.0;
// Target angles for balance
float targetRoll = 0.0;
float targetPitch = 0.0;
// Variables for PID control
float prevErrorRoll = 0.0;
float prevErrorPitch = 0.0;
float integralRoll = 0.0;
float integralPitch = 0.0;
// Define all ESCs
Servo frontLeft;
Servo frontRight;
Servo backMiddle;
// Define tail servo
Servo tailServo;
// Define gyro and accelerometer
MPU6050 mpu;
void setup() {
// Set ibus port baudrate
// Init MPU
// Set builtin LED
pinMode(13, OUTPUT);
pinMode(3, OUTPUT);
pinMode(9, OUTPUT);
pinMode(10, OUTPUT);
pinMode(11, OUTPUT);
// Attach servo and ESC to pins
tailServo.attach(3); // Attach tail servo to pin 3
frontLeft.attach(9,1000,2000); // Attach front left motor to 9
frontRight.attach(10,1000,2000); // Attach front left motor to 10
backMiddle.attach(11,1000,2000); // Attach front left motor to 11
// Init all 3 ESCs
// Turn on LED to signal ready status
void loop() {
// Update gyro and IBUS receiver
mpu.getMotion6(&ax, &ay, &az, &gx, &gy, &gz);
throttle = get_channel(2);
tailServoAngle = get_channel(3);
targetRoll = map(get_channel(0), 1000, 2000, 40, -40);
targetPitch = map(get_channel(1), 1000, 2000, -40, 40);
// Calculate angles
float roll = atan2(ay, az) * 180.0 / PI;
float pitch = atan2(ax, az) * 180.0 / PI;
// Calculate errors
float errorRoll = targetRoll - roll;
float errorPitch = targetPitch - pitch;
// Calculate PID terms
float pidRoll = kpRoll * errorRoll + kiRoll * integralRoll + kdRoll * (errorRoll - prevErrorRoll);
float pidPitch = kpPitch * errorPitch + kiPitch * integralPitch + kdPitch * (errorPitch - prevErrorPitch);
// Update integral terms
integralRoll += errorRoll;
integralPitch += errorPitch;
// Update previous errors
prevErrorRoll = errorRoll;
prevErrorPitch = errorPitch;
// Calculate motor speeds based on PID outputs
frontLeftSpeed = constrain(throttle + pidRoll + pidPitch, 1000, 2000);
frontRightSpeed = constrain(throttle - pidRoll + pidPitch, 1000, 2000);
backMotorSpeed = constrain(throttle - pidRoll - pidPitch, 1000, 2000);
if (throttle<1010) {
// Send signals to motors and servo
void read_serial(void) {
uint8_t i;
uint16_t chksum = 0xFFFF; // Initialize chksum to a proper value
uint16_t rxsum;
while (Serial.available()) {
uint8_t val =;
if (ibusIndex == 0 && val != 0x20) {
if (ibusIndex == 1 && val != 0x40) {
ibusIndex = 0;
if (ibusIndex < IBUS_BUFFSIZE) {
ibus[ibusIndex] = val;
if (ibusIndex == IBUS_BUFFSIZE) {
ibusIndex = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
chksum -= ibus[i];
rxsum = ibus[30] + (ibus[31] << 8);
if (chksum == rxsum) {
data[0] = (ibus[3] << 8) + ibus[2];
data[1] = (ibus[5] << 8) + ibus[4];
data[2] = (ibus[7] << 8) + ibus[6];
data[3] = (ibus[9] << 8) + ibus[8];
data[4] = (ibus[11] << 8) + ibus[10];
data[5] = (ibus[13] << 8) + ibus[12];
uint16_t get_channel(uint8_t channel) {
return data[channel];
void armESC() {
// Arm the ESCs

44 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
# Tricopter flight controller
This repository contains lightweight Arduino code for stabilizing and controlling a tricopter using a FlySky Fli 14+ receiver and a MPU6050 accelerometer and gyroscope module.
## Overview
This Arduino sketch is designed to stabilize and control a tricopter using data from a FlySky Fli 14+ receiver for remote control input and a MPU6050 module for measuring the orientation of the tricopter. The sketch calculates PID control values to adjust motor speeds and tail servo angle in order to maintain the desired roll and pitch angles.
## Features
- Tricopter stabilization and control using PID control.
- Uses FlySky Fli 14+ receiver to receive remote control signals.
- Utilizes MPU6050 accelerometer and gyroscope for orientation measurement.
- PID control for roll and pitch stabilization.
- Arm and initialize ESCs for motor control.
- Customizable PID constants for roll and pitch control.
## Requirements
- Arduino board compatible with the sketch (tested with Arduino Nano).
- FlySky Fli 14+ receiver for remote control.
- MPU6050 accelerometer and gyroscope module for orientation measurement.
- Servo motors for controlling motor speeds and tail servo.
## Getting Started
1. Connect the FlySky Fli 14+ receiver to the Arduino board on RX pin
2. Connect the MPU6050 module to the Arduino board.
3. Connect ESCs for motor control and tail servo (pins 9, 10, 11, and 3 in the provided code).
4. Adjust the PID constants (kpRoll, kiRoll, kdRoll, kpPitch, kiPitch, kdPitch) to tune the tricopter's stabilization performance.
5. Upload the provided code to the Arduino board.
6. Power on the tricopter and make sure it's on a stable surface.
7. Observe the tricopter's behavior as it attempts to maintain the target roll and pitch angles.
## Notes
- Ensure that the ESCs are properly calibrated and the motors spin in the correct direction.
- Make sure the tricopter is operated in a safe environment, away from people and obstacles.
- Tune the PID constants to achieve stable and responsive flight performance.
## License
This project is licensed under the [GNU General Public License (GPL)](LICENSE).